216 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Herr Stamper


Wed 27th Mar 05:49
Invention rated  Perfect
Ozyman - do you have any stats on which colour wins most often on the Default board?
#2 of 2
Sat 9th Aug 05:53
War Of The Roses rated  Great
Edit: still a good game, but in a 5 or even 4 man game going last is too big a disadvantage in my view.

agree with most of the below - this is a great game where the tactics change a lot depending on number of players. Alliances are also less influential than some other boards like CC / Ants. The only thing I'd change is the final stage, going for the crown - perhaps there should be the facility to be able to defend against an attack from the crown, rather than it being a fait accompli once the crown is captured?
#1 of 2